Saturday, March 27, 2010

Detox symptoms of a juice feasting program

Hi there!
I just want to let you know I will start the juice feast again. The main reason is that I am facing once again fibromyalgia symptoms and I definitely need to overcome this illness.

I've read a bit about detox symptoms and I was not ready to face all of them. My mistake.

When you do a detox, you have to be ready to face them:
- headache;
- nausea;
- upset stomach;
- diarrhea;
- acne/rashes;
- strong body odor;
- reappearance of old aches and pains;
- boils;
- drastic weight loss;
- chills.

These symptoms are usually short-term; because each person carries within him the seeds for disease and illness, it is normal to feel those symptoms since the body clears out the toxins. Don't expect to feel good all the time on a detox program. It's part of the detox process.

I never said it would be easy for me; I thought, however, that will all this juice feast, I would always be happy to drink the juices but in fact, Ive faced a detox symptoms I didn't expect: nausea. Thanks God, now I know. I prepare myself to water fast if I face this symptoms again.

Wish me luck. ;)

In few hours, I will post the article I've promised about coconut oil benefits.

Take care for now, sexy!


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